A very lovely hello, to you~
I'm SacrificialSister, a flesh-consuming monster of the heart. And also, coincidentally, a trans woman in her 20s. 🏳️⚧️
I hope you like this website, so early in its life that it is. I'm trying to learn and make everything from scratch, so please be patient if certain parts aren't quite up to snuff yet. In any case, I do hope you enjoy~
Latest Blog Post:
The Beginning
And here we are, at last. A mostly-functional website.
It took about a month of on-and-off work to get to this point, but I think I'm very happy with where we've gotten to during that time. There's still much to be done, but that's the funny thing- there always will be. This is a "living page," to take a concept from Wendy Carlos's own website. I'll add to this place for as long as I'm here, bit by bit, moment by moment- and I can't wait to see what it looks like down the line.
As for my motivations... well, they're two-fold. The material answer is that I hope to become a web developer one day, out of fear of continued or worsened poverty which I may not be able to survive in the long term, were nothing to change. The more personal and fun answer, however, is simple: I want a place to be me. A place to relax, to leave traces of myself and of the way in which I see the world. I want web-surfers two decades from now to stumble upon this page and walk its halls in loving nostalgia for a time long passed.
Or, to sum it up in less flowery language: I want to have fun! And oh, what fun this will be.

Latest Media Review:
Midori, the Radioactive Girl
What you see before you is Midori, sitting on the Elpehant's Foot of Chernobyl fame. This is a test image I absolutely adore to use, and it makes for a fantastic placeholder. This is actually the role she's serving right now, giving me an excuse to write a Review segment without actually reviewing anything yet. Thank you, Midori.