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"Every girl's favorite dark little corner of the web~"

Blog Posts

Jun 3 - The Beginning

Media Reviews

Jun 3 - Midori


Gotta make a dedicated page for this one, heheh

The Beginning

And here we are, at last. A mostly-functional website.

It took about a month of on-and-off work to get to this point, but I think I'm very happy with where we've gotten to during that time. There's still much to be done, but that's the funny thing- there always will be. This is a "living page," to take a concept from Wendy Carlos's own website. I'll add to this place for as long as I'm here, bit by bit, moment by moment- and I can't wait to see what it looks like down the line.

As for my motivations... well, they're two-fold. The material answer is that I hope to become a web developer one day, out of fear of continued or worsened poverty which I may not be able to survive in the long term, were nothing to change. The more personal and fun answer, however, is simple: I want a place to be me. A place to relax, to leave traces of myself and of the way in which I see the world. I want web-surfers two decades from now to stumble upon this page and walk its halls in loving nostalgia for a time long passed.

Or, to sum it up in less flowery language: I want to have fun! And oh, what fun this will be.

Tags: personal, webdev, updates

June 3rd, 2024